Saturday, 21 November 2009

It was you who....

When I had problem with MARA in Malaysia last summer holiday, it was YOU who consoled me...

When I had some issues with my family, it was YOU who calmed me down...

When I was so tired and could not feel my legs, it was YOU who gave a very good massage on them...

When I was at your place, having early breakfast for the next Ramadhan day, it was YOU who cooked a very delicious meal...

When I was so craving for Thai food, it was YOU who bought me a plate of kerabu mangga(mango salad)my favourite...

When I was having problems here in UK, it was YOU who listens to my cries and tears...

When I felt lonely, it was YOU who sent texts of loves and care...

When I need someone to lean on, it was YOU who is there for me...

I could not live or breathe without YOU..

YOU are my oxygen...
YOU are my blood...
YOU are my heart...
YOU are my world...

So this is the time to say I NEED YOU...nobody can replace YOU

(Specially dedicated to E. Daniel)

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